Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle Review (Power, Spin, Control)

Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle Review

Pickleball paddle manufacturers are abundant nowadays, with new companies emerging rapidly in what seems like a gold rush phase. Unfortunately, many of these companies merely offer overpriced replicas of existing paddles.

However, once in a while, a company emerges that revolutionizes the game. Legacy accomplished this feat in September 2022 with the introduction of their Legacy Pro 16mm paddle.

Legacy quickly distinguished itself from the plethora of new carbon fiber paddles flooding the market with this release. Their paddle gained immense popularity, becoming one of the most eagerly awaited paddles of 2023, second only to the Joola Perseus.

The anticipation surrounding the Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle isn’t solely due to its unreleased status; it’s been available. Rather, it’s because many purchasers are still waiting for their orders to arrive, despite the overwhelming demand and positive reviews. Some have been waiting for weeks or even months to receive their Legacy Pro paddle.

Fortunately, I managed to secure mine when there was still stock available. However, I know individuals who placed orders as early as January and are still waiting due to shipping delays.

In this post, we’ll delve into the Legacy Pro in detail. By the end, any queries you may have about this paddle should be addressed. Feel free to leave additional questions in the comments section.

Legacy Pro Paddle Specifications

  • Price: $150 BUY
  • Warranty: 6 Months; manufacturer defects
  • Shape: Elongated
  • Core thickness: 16mm
  • Face: Raw Toray T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Average weight: 8.0 oz
  • Handle length: 5.3″
  • Swing Weight: 120
  • Grip size: 4.125
  • Core: 8mm Polymer honeycomb cells
  • Edge Guard: Anti-Abrasion TPU
  • Total length: 16.5 in
  • Width: 7.5 in

Quick Summary of Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle

When I first received the Legacy Pro paddle, my expectations were modest. I had read about the innovative construction techniques Legacy employed in its production, but it wasn’t until I held it in my hands that I truly grasped its significance.

Upon initial inspection, the Legacy Pro offered a distinct feel compared to traditional paddles, delivering formidable power and exceptional spin. It belongs to a new breed of raw carbon fiber paddles utilizing unibody thermoformed construction and foam injection, which I’ll refer to as Gen 2 RCF (raw carbon fiber) in this discussion.

With the Legacy Pro, I found myself effortlessly generating immense power and spin. Through my testing, and corroborated by others like Chris at Pickleball Studio, it became evident that the Legacy Pro achieves an outstanding balance of power and spin, rivaled by the few carbon fiber paddles on the market.

This paddle enables remarkable control over ball trajectory and spin, leaving me astonished at its potency. Despite its ability to deliver substantial pop, it maintains a plush and manageable feel.

The Legacy Pro excels as a power paddle, capable of delivering explosive shots while also offering nuanced control for softer hits. Although its handle length of 5.3″ falls slightly short of my preferred 5.5″, it remains comfortable, especially for players who favor handle length for power and utilize two-handed backhands. The tapered neck facilitates easy gripping high up on the paddle when needed.

In terms of comfort and injury prevention, the paddle’s minimal vibration and solid feel make it a standout choice. Legacy’s modifications to the paddle core seem effective in reducing vibration, a feature particularly beneficial for players concerned about tennis elbow. While I’m uncertain if additional vibration-reducing inserts are integrated into the handle like those found in the Vatic Pro, it wouldn’t be surprising given Legacy’s attention to detail. Consequently, the Legacy Pro earns a spot on my list of top paddles for mitigating tennis elbow.

Overall, the Legacy Pro stands out as my top recommendation for players seeking a paddle that excels in both power and spin, particularly well-suited for singles play. In my opinion, it’s a singles player’s ideal paddle. Keep reading for further insights.

Power Summary of Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle

The newer batches of Legacy Pros, starting from March onwards, exhibit a slight decrease in power compared to the initial version. However, the variance is minimal. Moreover, the updated Legacy Pro offers improved control and reduces concerns regarding delamination.

Presently, the Legacy Pro stands as the most well-rounded power paddle available. It’s a dream for power players, delivering formidable hits with minimal exertion. This paddle practically does the work for you, effortlessly generating fast, forceful, and penetrating drives.

With the Legacy Pro, drives transform into potent weapons, resulting in more winners and induced errors from opponents solely due to its raw power. The paddle’s sheer force can catch both opponents and users off guard, particularly if they’re unaccustomed to such power. It may take some time to adjust, especially for those transitioning from softer paddles like the Gearbox CX11.

I had a humorous encounter when lending my Legacy Pro to a friend accustomed to the softer feel of the Gearbox CX11. He struggled to control the paddle’s power, sending numerous shots out of bounds. Despite this, he couldn’t help but laugh at his own antics and promptly ordered a Legacy Pro for himself after just 30 minutes of play.

What sets the Legacy Pro apart is its ability to deliver impressive power without sacrificing control or touch. While paddles like the Power Air and Black Ace offer immense power, they often prove challenging to control outside of serves and drives, requiring more effort to harness their potential.

While the Diadem Vice boasts a comparable power output to the Legacy Pro, it lacks the spin and, crucially, is deemed illegal due to its construction and EVA foam core.

Spin Summary of Legacy Pro Pickleball Paddle

The latest Legacy Pro paddles shipped in March come with an increased surface grit, enhancing their speed compared to previous versions.

Spin is a standout feature of the Legacy Pro. Upon picking up a Legacy Pro, the impact it has on your spin game becomes immediately apparent. Few paddles on the market rival the Legacy Pro in terms of spin generation, making it a premier choice for players seeking both power and spin.

With the Legacy Pro, applying spin of all varieties feels effortless. Topspin groundstrokes and backhand slices exhibit remarkable arcs, while topspin shots that initially seemed destined to go out of bounds often stay in play. I’ve witnessed opponents giving up on shots they assumed were out, only to watch the ball land in bounds—an illustration of the Legacy Pro’s capability to produce significant topspin drives.

One of my favorite applications of spin with the Legacy Pro is during third shot drives. Striking the ball from the baseline and watching it sharply dip over the net brings a sense of satisfaction unmatched by previous paddles, with the exception of the Selkirk Power Air, renowned for its spin potential.

Drawing from my personal experience with high-spin rate paddles and corroborated by tests conducted by others, such as Chris at Pickleball Studio, the Legacy Pro boasts an impressive spin rate of 1903 RPMs, placing it among the elite in terms of spin potential.

How does the Legacy Pro achieve such remarkable spin capabilities? It’s believed to be partly attributed to the emphasis on friction rather than pronounced grit on the paddle surface. While the Legacy’s paddle face may feel smoother compared to paddles with a gritty texture, it still manages to grip the ball effectively.

Utilizing a peel-ply coat and texture that’s 2-4 times tighter than other paddles, the Legacy Pro maximizes friction for enhanced spin performance. Similar friction patterns are employed by SixZero paddles, known for their high RPMs, and the new Vatic Pro 14mm Flash, which adopts a similar weave pattern—an aspect I intend to evaluate as soon as possible.

Pop Summary

The Legacy Pro offers a unique blend of plushness and stiffness, but one undeniable characteristic is its impressive pop. However, this pop can be a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, the paddle’s pop makes hand battles significantly more winnable. The ball launches off the paddle face, disrupting opponents’ reaction times. Few players, even those with rapid reflexes, are prepared to handle the speed and pop of the Legacy Pro.

In my experience, especially in doubles play, my counterattacks greatly improved after acclimating to the Legacy Pro. You can deliver fast and forceful shots with ease, catching opponents off guard.

Conversely, controlling a paddle with such high pop can pose challenges. Players unaccustomed to such pop may experience frequent pop-ups, leading to frustration as opponents capitalize on easy smashes. Additionally, the combination of power and pop may result in hitting balls past the baseline more frequently.

While paddles like the Power Air may offer even more pop, players accustomed to softer paddles may require time to adjust and fully harness the Legacy Pro’s pop potential. However, once past the transitional period, the additional pop provided by this paddle proves worthwhile for most players.

Control Summary

The newer batches of Legacy Pros, starting in March, feel notably easier to control. Legacy has implemented some changes to address delamination issues, and the combination of these alterations along with reduced delamination contributes to the Legacy Pro’s improved controllability.

Compared to other power paddles like the Power Air, Invikta 002, or Black Ace, the Legacy paddle may still present challenges for some players due to its slightly stiffer nature. However, it boasts an excellent sweet spot, surpassing these power paddles in terms of control. Moreover, it feels less rigid and offers better weight distribution and balance points. The Legacy Pro’s overall balance point feels exceptional when held.

To effortlessly control this paddle, it’s essential to possess refined, soft hands or proficiency with angles. Otherwise, your resets and dinks may temporarily suffer in quality. However, if you’re already accustomed to unibody thermoformed or power paddles, controlling the Legacy Pro should prove relatively straightforward.

Hand battles and drives are enjoyable and easy to manage with the Legacy Pro’s low-ish swing weight and decent dwell time. However, its stiffness and high pop/deflection can occasionally pose challenges with blocks and resets. Personally, I found it necessary to make slight adjustments initially to ensure my third shot drops met my expectations.

Considering adding leads to your Legacy Pro? If you’re comfortable with a slightly heavier paddle, applying weighted tape to the throat and lower edges can enhance stability and control. With increased weight and stability, returning incoming drives becomes effortless. I prefer to weight my Legacy Pro to 8.8 oz. with an overgrip and lead tape positioned from 3 to 6 and 6 to 9.

Experimenting with grip pressure is another method to enhance control with this paddle. Lightening your grip can improve the softness of your game. Remind yourself that the paddle does much of the work for you, allowing you to maintain a lighter grip.

Overall, some players may find themselves favoring a dedicated control paddle over the Legacy Pro. If you believe this applies to you, I recommend exploring options such as the SixZero Black Diamond control paddle, which utilizes the same unibody thermoformed technology as the Legacy Pro but prioritizes controllability. Additionally, the Vatic Pro V7 offers a relatively soft and controllable thermoformed paddle alternative.

Durability Summary

There has been significant discussion regarding paddle faces delaminating in some of the new thermoformed raw carbon fiber paddles. Companies like Legacy Pro have been modifying their production methods to address this issue. Legacy, for instance, shifted factories and implemented new resins, bonding agents, and other techniques to minimize delamination. Thus far, the latest batches of paddles have shown improved durability.

With its unibody thermoformed construction, the Legacy Pro stands out as one of the more robust paddles available. The structural integrity provided by unibody thermoforming makes it exceptionally sturdy, akin to GearBox paddles. Additionally, the edge guard boasts considerable toughness. While the carbon fiber face will naturally wear down over time like any raw carbon fiber paddle, Legacy’s use of T700 Toray fiber—a high-quality material—ensures longevity.

Compared to some raw carbon fiber paddles (such as Joola), you’re unlikely to encounter issues with broken handles with the Legacy Pro. There are videos demonstrating over-the-knee stress tests attempting to break the paddle under pressure, all of which have been unsuccessful.

Moreover, the honeycomb core is fully sealed within the thermoforming process. With the carbon-forged handle, there’s no risk of feeling the honeycomb pushing through as the paddle ages, as it remains enclosed, unlike in cheaper or older paddles. Additionally, the honeycomb is entirely sealed beneath the edge guard around the paddle.

The durability of the Legacy Pro eliminates the need to handle it delicately, unlike with some other paddles, such as the Joola Hyperion. Loaning it out no longer instills fear of breakage—a testament to its robust design and construction.

Value Summary

The Legacy Pro offers exceptional value at its price point. If prominent companies had been the first to introduce this paddle, it’s likely they would have priced it at $220 or more.

Furthermore, Legacy’s customer service is commendable. As a small, family-run business, they are actively engaged online and easily accessible through various social media platforms, including Reddit and Discord. Their commitment to customer satisfaction adds further value to the Legacy Pro experience.

Should you buy the Legacy Pro paddle?

The Legacy Pro truly lives up to its reputation and stands as one of my current favorite paddles. If you’re a player who prioritizes power and spin, then this paddle is a must-have. It’s been instrumental in shifting my gameplay towards drives, yielding impressive results. I swing this paddle with confidence, knowing its capabilities.

The combination of power, pop, and spin on this paddle is formidable. My drives, hand battles, overheads, and putaways have all seen significant improvements since using the Legacy Pro. It’s become challenging for me to switch to another paddle and leave behind the effortless power and versatility of the Legacy. Every time I try a different paddle, I find myself missing the Legacy’s dynamic performance.

Considering its price point, the Legacy Pro is a steal compared to its pricier and inferior competitors. I believe this paddle has set a new standard for what a performance paddle can achieve. I highly recommend every singles player give it a try.

Numerous professionals have experimented with the paddle and are urging their sponsored companies to develop similar models, so we can expect to see more paddles like the Legacy Pro in the future.

However, if you’re a newer player or prefer a control-focused style of play over power and spin, you may want to consider skipping this paddle. It has a lively pop and may be more challenging to control compared to other paddles on the market.

Yet, for those open to a challenge and willing to adjust their game to mitigate pop-ups, transitioning to Legacy Pro would likely be a worthwhile endeavor for players of any skill level. It has rightfully earned its place on my list of the best intermediate pickleball paddles.


How do you know if a pickleball paddle is good?

Light to medium weight, comfortable grip, large sweet spot and balance of power and control

Where is the Legacy Pro pickleball paddle made?


Can pickleball paddles get wet?

Avoid getting the paddle wet

What brand of pickleball is used in tournaments?

Vulcan VPRO FLIGHT Pickleball

Are there fake pickleball paddles?

Some pickleball paddles are manufactured in the United States, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be counterfeited.

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